August Picnic Invite

SBE Chapter 57 (Rochester) has extended an invitation to Chapter 22 for a picnic at the Antique Wireless Museum on Tuesday, August 13th, 5pm to 7:30pm
CLICK HERE to email Tom if you plan to attend so the museum can plan the tour group sizes and food requirements.  Let Tom know if you would like to carpool from Syracuse, and if you would be able to be one of the drivers.
The museum is located at 6925 NY-5, Bloomfield, NY
For more information about the Antique Wireless Museum, click on the logo

“The AWA Communication Technologies Museum, with its world-class collection of artifacts and ephemera and Museum Historians, offers visitors the opportunity to drop back in time to explore and discover the history of the technologies we use today in our everyday life. Think about how the ability to communicate instantly around the world has become an important and vital given in our lives. Your visit to the Museum will demonstrate just how far we have come in communications.”

Gates Air

The Picnic is Sponsored by Brian Szewczyk from Gates Air

The SBE22 Expo which was scheduled
for Thursday, September 19th
has been cancelled due to lack of
exhibitor registrations