January 2025 Meeting

Our January Meeting will be on Wednesday, 1/22, at WSTM/WTVH/WSTQ, 1030 James St, Syracuse, NY

“Radio Propagation” presented by Saied Seghatoleslami, N2VY
CLICK HERE to Email Tom McNicholl if you plan to attend so that we have an accurate count for dinner

Thank you INSOFT for sponsoring dinner for this meeting. Your support is greatly appreciated!

6:00pm Dinner
6:30pm Chapter Business Meeting
7:00pm Presentation

Presentation Summary:  Radio Proagation” – Are you planning to have a sked with a buddy who has moved out west or overseas?  Are you planning to participate in a contest or a QSO party or hunting for a rare DX?  …or just want to get on air and have a few QSOs?  These would all be more enjoyable if you could pick the time and the frequency that gives you the best chance of success, or at least a smart starting point.

Saied Seghatoleslami, N2VY, will take you through the basic theory of HF (3-30MHz) propagation, demystify some of the technical jargon, help you make sense of the data and take you through a few practical propagation planning scenarios.


About the Presenter:  Saied started playing with radios in high school building plate modulated vacuum tube transmitters that he tuned by the brightness of a lightbulb.  That led to degrees in electrical engineering and a career.  Saied started as a test engineer on the Space Shuttle working for Bendix Corporation and retired as vice president of quality assurance at Avaya.  He ended up where he started.

As Saied is drifting into retirement, he is getting back into his hobbies.  Besides ham radio, he competes in NRL22, plays golf, and hikes.  His primary interests in ham radio are friendship, camaraderie, and technical tinkering.

Saied has built (and continues to enhance) a hardware and software system he calls “stationmaster”.  You can find the details on Github at https://github.com/Saied74/stationmaster.  The hardware and software documentation, code, and schematics are all there.  The logger, keyer for radios that don’t have automatic keyer (like his Ten Tec Omni D), ADIF file generation and upload function and Cabrillo file generation are all working.  There are also a few analytics functions like countries worked, countries confirmed, US counties worked, and US counties confirmed.  The replacement of the PTO with DDS card and the code to run it is complete.

Saied is a member of the Delaware Valley Radio Association (W2ZQ) and runs a Ten-Tec Omni-D rig with a four band homebrew vertical covering 10, 15, 20, and 40 meter bands.