We mourn the loss of a longtime broadcast sales rep
and friend to Chapter 22 Members
Dean Leeson 1951 – 2024

Dean Leeson was well respected, supportive and just an
all around great guy. He will be missed by all that knew him.
CLICK HERE to read his obituary
Our May Meeting will be on 5/15 at WSTM
Note: Our Presenter Change
Wendy Gervasi from Corning Fiberoptics, had to cancel
Instead, our presenter will be Scott Fybush, “A Taste of NAB”
This meeting is in-person & via Teams
CLICK HERE if you will be attending in-person
so that we have a headcount for dinner
CLICK HERE to email Tom requesting
a Teams registration link
The SBE22 Hosted Ennes Workshop
will be held on June 8th
at the Marriott Syracuse Downtown
$30 SBE Members, $45 Non-Members,
$15 High School and College Students
CLICK HERE for details and
registration link
Chapter 57 is planning a Meeting
and Picnic at the Antiques Wireless
Museum on August 13th.
Chapter 22 has been invited.
Stay tuned for details.
The SBE22 Expo will be held on
Thursday, September 19th at the
the Marriott Syracuse Downtown
CLICK HERE for more information
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